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Constitution Of the Fisherrow Community Centre Wood Turning Group

1. Title: the name of the Group will be the Fisherrow Community Centre Woodturning Group.

2. Area of Operation:
Lothian and Borders, Scotland.

3. Objects: the objects of the Group are:

To advance education and to provide, or assist, in the provision of facilities for woodwork, where such provision or assistance in provision
is in the interests of members of the community

Made with the object of improving conditions of life of the members of the community in the area of benefit and for those purposes to associate with the East Lothian Council (hereinafter referred to as "the Council"), voluntary organisations and inhabitants in the area of benefit

4. Membership:
Membership of the club shall be open to the following individuals 18 years of age and over (hereinafter referred to as "individual members") The Club welcomes applications from all members of the community and will protect all protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. The club will assess every individual application and where possible accommodate their needs to ensure the clubs health and safety obligations are met.

In the interest of Health and safety, Persons with no experience of woodturning or working with equipment/machinery used within the club shall undergo an introductory course at the end of which they will be assessed prior to joining. Persons who have experience shall be assessed in their turning ability and operation of said equipment/machinery by experienced members of the club/Committee members prior to joining.

For health and safety, the limit for safe working within the club during any session is 14 persons

Payment for membership:
The amount of payment for membership shal be decided by the committee. Payment for membership shall be made prior to the start of the club financial year, which is 1st April.

Withdrawal of membership:
Any member may withdraw from the Club by giving the Secretary notice of their withdrawal, but when withdrawal arises part way through the year, the member shall not be entitled to a refund of any subscription, but such a refund (in full or in part) may be made at the sole discretion of the Committee.
The withdrawing member continues to be liable for any outstanding sums owed to the Club for any reason whatsoever.

Termination of membership:
Membership is terminated if:
the member dies
the member is removed from membership by a resolution of the Committee that it is in the best interests of the Club that their membership is terminated.

A resolution to remove membership is only valid if :
The member is given 21 days written notice of the meeting of the Committee at which the resolution and the reasons why is proposed, and the member, or at the option of the member, the member's representative (who need not be a member of the Club) has been permitted to make oral or written representations to the meeting.

Composition of Office Bearers:
Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer

5. Committee Quorum:
Five members of the Management Committee present, of which one must be an Office Bearer, shall be a quorum for meetings of the Management Committee. At least seven days notice must be given for all Committee meetings.

6. Office Bearers:
The Group shall elect a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

7. Extraordinary General Meetings:
All general meetings other than Annual General Meetings shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings. The Management Committee may whenever it thinks fit, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, and Extraordinary General Meetings shall also be convened by the Management Committee on the requisition of 10 members in writing.

8. Notice of General Meeting: Notice of general meeting shall be by advertisement on a notice board and or email.

9. Agenda:
At the Annual General Meeting, the Agenda shall be in the following form or as near thereto as circumstance permit:
(a) Reports by office bearers
(b) Election of office bearers
(c) Any other competent business

10. Voting rights:
All individual members shall pay such subscriptions, annual or otherwise, as the Group from time to time may determine.

11. Finance:
All monies raised by or on behalf of the Group shall be applied to further the objects of the Group and for no other purpose. Without prejudice to the foregoing generality, no office-bearer or other member shall be paid or given any sum of money or honorarium except in so far as the payment is for reimbursement of outlays actually incurred for the benefit of the Group.

12. Bank Accounts:
All bank accounts shall be operative on two signatures.

13. Dissolution of the Club.:
If for any reason it is deemed necessary that the club be dissolved, all debts and liabilities shall be settled from the remaining funds of the club and sale of assets. Any remaining funds or assets shall be then be transferred to another organisation with similar aims and objectives. This is to be determined by the members of the club at the time of dissolution.

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